for Men & Men’s Issues


Empathetic, goal-focused and emotionally integrated psychotherapy for men

You may be…

  • Having trouble accessing your emotions

  • Feeling overwhelming anger or physical aggression

  • Struggling to maintain healthy, fulfilling relationships

  • Feeling insecure, low self-esteem or lack of confidence

  • Experiencing sexual performance anxiety, loss of desire or erectile dysfunction

  • Saying hurtful things to people you care about

  • Feeling week, scared or anxious

  • Desiring to be a kind-hearted man in a world that values toughness

  • Overusing cannabis, marijuana products to alleviate anxiety

  • Seeking to change unintentional biases (sexism, racism, etc.) that were unconsciously taught to you

  • Running into conflicts with authority figures

  • Feeling disconnected, numb or uncaring

  • Lacking in direction or motivation

You can grow into your full potential when you become aware of the patterns of your life, work with your emotions without becoming controlled by them, and have the inner resources to meet the stresses of your life with ease.